Drying Waterborne Waste Paint

Waterborne Paint Waste Disposal: Accruing waste paint in the inappropriate environment is a violation of code according to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) standards. Improperly stored waste paint will result in fines that could amount to thousands possibly even hundreds of thousands of dollars, according to the Federal Register, the U.S. Federal Government’s regulation of federal agencies, 40 CFR 265.173(a) and (b). Therefore it is important to ensure that any shop using paint is properly disposing of the waste. There are several ways to eliminate hazardous waste for spray gun cleaning operations including… [READ MORE]


FLOCCER™ by BECCA is a wastewater treatment flocculation powder that will clean your water waste. The process separates your waste Solids from the liquid. This process is known as flocculation.  FLOCCER is a step up from our passed Clarification Packets.  FLOCCER is formulated so it will not go airborne like the black powder – – It is easier to handle safely – – and it costs way less than our current Clarification Packets to produce.

  • Reduce Disposal Cost – Dispose of per Federal, State & Local Requirements
  • Easy to Use
  • Free Sample Available
  • Several different ways to purchase
  • Available in: 84 Oz Container, 25 Dissolving Packets, 100 Dissolving Packets