FLASH DRY™ Reduces Drying Times 20-50% Meaning An Extra One Job Per Day!

BECCA’s FLASH DRY™ system uses  it is designed to provide a highly effective drying system regardless of Solvent LogoSolvent or Waterborne LogoWaterborne as a result it reduces drying times 20-50 percent! The process of air drying paint has been a challenge for solvent and waterborne paints. There are several factors that can prohibit allowing vehicles to dry on all surfaces including humidity, poor air movement, and boundary layers. The application of heated air and air movement systems in paint booths have proven to be an efficient way to aid in the air drying paint process. Our system addresses these factors.

The system will provide:
  • SPEED – Rapid Drying by the Powerful Directed Nozzle System
  • EASY TO OPERATE – One Button Start
  • ADJUSTIBILITY – Once the System has been set-up there is no need for Adjustments
  • LOW COST TO USE – Average cost is approximately 30 cents/Day
    Flash Dry™ System has a low purchase cost and can also reduce your need to upgrade your Compressor
          • 1 More Job Per Day!
          • Pays For Itself In Just 30 Days
          • 10 Micron Filtration
          • No Compressed Air

*Note to Distributors: Feel free to [download] and share this video. For more resources visit us online or contact us.

Flash Dry Rapid Drying System

Dynamic Air Movement vs. Fixed Turbulent Air

Keys Factors to Air Drying Paint Effectively and Efficiently